Samuel J Joseph
Height: 5’7 Weight: 168 (Very fit)
Eyes: Brown, Hair: Black, Complexion: Olive
Have Passport, will travel

Jessica Jones Co-Star Netflix
Person of Interest Co-Star NBC/Richard J. Lewis
Allegiance Co-Star CBS/ george Nolfi
Mubai Chopra Guest Star Thant's OM Productions/ Natasha Chandel
My Brother Mexican (pilot) Supporting Paradoxal Inc/ Antoine Manceaux
Under Magnolia Flowers Co-Star Fuji TV/ Mori Junichi
Mr. Word Wizard (pilot) Lead Wham Productions/ Kyle Morris
Eskimo Brothers Lead Gypsy Kid Productions/ Greggory Daniels
Love Word Lead Self Produced
Panuelo Lead S.V.A./Abel Castro
Basket Bronx Lead Kamel Films S.L./Martin Rosete
Drop Off Lead Negative Zero Prod/Zack Wilson
Sometimes Gay Means Happy Supporting Angel Aura Productions/Angela T. Egic
Prom Night of the Living Dead Supporting Bite Productions/Kris Chung
The Waiting Game Lead Alternative Arts Fest/Nadine Friedman
Othello Supporting Julii Theatre Co./Cristina Carrion
Ghost Dancers Lead Stone Soup/Nadine Friedman
My Girl Dixie Lead Theatre Vision/ A.M. Raychel
Joan’s Voices Lead Malvern Players/Ron Parella
Romeo & Juliet Supporting Moose Hall Theatre Co./ Ted Minos
2010 - present
2010 - present
Commercial Work Availible Upon Request
Training & Workshops
(NYU) Atlantic Theatre Acting School
Scene Study/ Script Analysis Anya Saffir, Robert Bella
Performance Technique Steven Hawley, Kathryn Alexander
Shakespeare Charles Tuthill
Speech (Skinner) Susan Finch
Voice (Chuck Jones) David Wells, Katie Bull
Movement (Suzuki) Kelly Maurer
Improv Josh Lewis
On Camera Maggie Kiley
(NYU) Stone Street Studio for Film & TV
Acting Joe Siravo, Robert Bella
Commercial Acting Terri Cole Juhasz
Multi Camera TV Linda & David Laundra
Comedy & Sit-Coms Angela Pietropinto
Special Skills
Stage Combat (David Brimmer, Nick Gisonde): Hand to Hand, Broad Sword & Shield, Rapier & Dagger.
Photography, Bartending, Skiing, Rock-Climbing/Mountaineering, Horseback riding, Motorcycling, Bicycling, Snowmobiling. Able Swimmer, Mechanic. Sam also holds a valid drivers license for cars & motorcycles.